Supporting the Armed Forces, Merchant Navy and Emergency Services since 2013
Coffin Drapes and Ensigns
We can provide full size flags (8ft x 5ft) as Coffin Drapes (Palls) for the funeral of any Veteran of the Armed Service and emergency services. ***
We hold drapes for the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy. Merchant Navy and the Union Flag for other services.
It is also possible for us to source regimental drapes with sufficient notice from suppliers or from the regimental associations. We do currently hold regimental flags for seventy sections of the services and this increases as demand requires.
We contacted the Secretary of State for Defence regarding the protocols for the use of service ensigns and flags for funerals and his office and the Ministry of Defence were able to confirm that for a serving member of the Armed Forces the coffin is draped in the Union Flag in line with Kings Regulations. The Kings Regulations only apply to serving members of the Armed Forces.
They also confirmed that when a Veteran passes away, they if requested they are allowed to have the ensign of the service that they served in, draped on their coffin as a mark of honour and respect. Veterans fall outside Kings Regulations and the MOD see no need to change this.
If you would like to borrow one of the coffin drapes for your loved one's funeral, we are happy to supply these and send to either yourself or the funeral director and to be returned to us the day following the funeral.
​Why do we ask for a donation for the loan of these drapes/palls/service flags?
As an independent community organisation, we do not have any funding for the work that we undertake and therefore in the past the cost of acquiring drapes, maintenance and postage has come from our own pockets as volunteers. We cannot continue this way and must ask for a suggested donation for the loan of these drapes.
The suggested donation of £28 includes:
The washing and ironing of the drapes
The letter for the funeral director regarding correct usage
1st Class Next Day Delivery and Signed for postage
Associated packaging required for safe postage
Insurance for loss of drapes/damaged drapes
Listing on our roll of honour
A small donation to our fund to support families through bereavement and loss
We do need a minimum of 8 working days notice to send drapes
Please use your loved ones surname as the reference when making the donation into the bank account below
If you would also be interested in a Chaplain to conduct the service for your loved one, please ask us.
​We ask that the donation is made before we send the drape in the post and as a reference, please use the deceased name on the bank transfer.
We do also accept Cheques in the post if easier for you.
Account Name: Veterans Bereavement Support
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account number: 44034660
Please email or text us for drape requests as the signal on our mobile is restricted at times
Email the request to us at
​** Subject to availability