Supporting the Armed Forces, Merchant Navy and Emergency Services since 2013
Funeral Advice and Information
When a loved one passes away, you are faced with the emotions alongside everything that needs to be arranged.
In the first instance, arranging the funeral is the first hurdle that many find difficult. We have a list of recommended funeral directors across the UK who have vast experience of working with families to ensure that there loved one has the fitting final journey that they would have wanted.
We can also advise on service content and at times our own chaplain may be able to attend and conduct the service accordingly. At times, we can also help source Buglers, Standard Bearers, and anything special that the family request or give the contact details.
There is also a minefield of paperwork and unanswered questions relating to benefits and the rights of those left behind. No matter what the age of the deceased. Through the support of our volunteer advisers who themselves are drawn from former service men and women and who are trained in Advice and Information support. We will work to be able to advise on help with benefits, funeral payments, and widow/widower benefits to enable you to secure financial assistance at the time of greater need.
The Veterans Bereavement Support Service can offer free advice and assistance with many problems. Our general and specialist advisers receive ongoing training to keep up to date with the latest government changes which impact upon our lives. The service supports those who face bereavement in the future through illness and those who have experienced bereavement more recently or over the years gone by.
The loss of someone special brings many challenges to our lives and we encourage families to talk about these challenges rather than lock them away. Whether you are experiencing problems with understanding bereavement, loneliness, problems with benefits and financial issues or other problems, our team are here to help and support you. The service is available 7 days a week on an equal basis to veterans and their families. The Helpline is available from 11am – 3pm Monday to Friday. Outside these hours, please leave a message on the answerphone and someone will get back to you the same day.
In the days when the cost of a funeral is increasing significantly, the number of people struggling with funeral poverty is increasing significantly.
We can advise on the best practical options for funerals including styles and estimated prices in the area that you live.
We can advise on the Bereavement Grant that is available from the Government to help towards the cost of the funeral and how to gain this. It is means tested and we have the forms for the grant.
We can put you in touch with the service organisations that deal with supporting veterans’ families, and they will work with other service organisations to see if they can contribute a small amount towards the cost of the funeral.